GOVIVA, Virtual Hair Academy is the first virtual platform in the world dedicated to training hair stylists.
Our mission is to open the doors to the new frontier of training the professionals of the future, i.e. learning in augmented reality.
The courses are designed for those who want to become a professional in the sector and for those who really want to improve.
The GOVIVA training method can be integrated into private academies, by inserting an innovative teaching method that speaks the language of the Alpha generation.
Virtual reality training allows:
41% less learning errors
9% better recall of information
1/3of reduction in learning time
100% more effective in stimulating learning and memorization than traditional methods
Student watching a virtual reality training
What the student sees through the headset
✅ Greater engagement and concentration
✅ 29% faster learning compared to traditional training methods
✅ Virtual courses integrated with your educational path
✅ Realistic lesson visible from VR viewer
✅ “Savings” on the teacher’s working hours